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The National Network of Community Libraries (RNBC in the Portuguese acronym) is comprised of 115 reading facilities established in nine Brazilian states in the North, Northeast, Southeast and South regions. The group of community libraries is made up of 11 local networks aiming to democratize access to books, reading, literature and libraries under the perspective of literature as a human right, educating readers with a critic capacity and political incidence in several cities in Brazil.

The community libraries members of the RNBC share the goal of transforming Brazil into a country of readers, carrying out actions to support reading and access to democratize the access to books through mediated readings, storytelling, conversation groups, book clubs and soirees. It also promotes book sharing through loans – in 2019 alone, an average of 26,600 books were lent, which represented a total of 42,400 readers.

Please contribute to the RNBC’s work so that more Brazilians can have access to reading.