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German Libraries and Agenda 2030: Challenges to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Although 53% of respondents, librarians working in German libraries, affirmed in the survey they are aware of the Sustainable Development Goals still, 47% lacked awareness of them, as well as whether and how libraries can contribute to a more sustainable and equal society. However, the subject has gained prominence in recent years and there are increased discussions surrounding the role and social responsibilities of library science concerning this issue. Germany is one of the most sustainable countries in the world, and its libraries have become an international example of sustainability. This is partly because of their buildings and because many libraries have put into place projects with innovative sustainable ideas to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Which SDGs are German public libraries addressing? This research aims to answer this question by presenting, through data samples and graphs, which SDGs are most popular in German public libraries.

How to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): checklist for libraries.

This checklist is one of the results of the research Social Responsibility of Library Science in Transforming Society to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”. The purpose of this checklist is to provide insights into the topic to encourage more librarians to think about actions and implement them in libraries.

Libraries’ Role in Making a Better World: Agenda 2030.